Tuesday, October 26, 2010


What I Love About Woodrow

His perfect brown eyes, his hair whether it’s short or long, his arms, his tattoos, his simple smile, and his hands. When he’s in his boxers, he’s fixing your hair, when he sings along with a sweet country song in the car or truck. The way he holds my hand, and the way he says, “good night baby” in his sleepy voice. How he corrects me, he teachs me, and how he asks me for my input on things. He catches me starring at him, he gives me the butterflies by looking at me or even by walking in the room. How he allows me to stay with him, he keep my secrets, and I can trust him with them. When he kisses my forehead, when he tells me things will be okay, when he kisses my neck. When we kiss at red lights, how he take me places. He show me new things, he buy me flowers just because they match my shirt, he makes me kiss his beer pong balls for good luck. The way he touches me, the way he holds me when we sleep. How he understands me like nobody else, how I see a better side of me because of him, how we share his mommy. How he plays with Lulu and Cudi, it’s so cute! When he tells me to beat my mom up, and to…taze her. He’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever dated, let alone know and met. He’s the only relationship I can trust and rely on, and the most serious. How we do goofy things together and get so silly, how he tickles me, how he’s making me smile as I write this. How Mr. Bennett said to write 150 words- and I can’t stop. How he means so much to me. How I ended high school with him, I had my first job with him, and I left home for the first time with him. I love four wheeling with him, the parties he takes me to, and how we’re always busy doing new things.. I love that I can be myself around him, and that he’s real. He’s so great, everything about him.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The men in my life

The ones that could do better-
1.The father Figure

The cool uncles-
1. Uncle Todd
2.Uncle Jimmy
3.Uncle Charlie
4.Uncle Matt

The ones that make me truely happy-
3.Pastor Kerry

The ones who annoy the crap out of me-