Monday, September 27, 2010

How Lungs Work

Everybody breathes without thinking, in fact according to, you breathe 15 to 25 times a minute. Breathing is a part of our Autonomic System. That means we dont have to remember, try or even think about breathing, this system does that for us. Inside your chest, there is a cavity filled with two bag-like organs called the lungs, which are protected by the rib cage. They are made of spongy tissue, which is a type of tissue that resembles elastic. It can stretch, and constrict as we breathe in and out.

When you inhale, whether it be from your nose or mouth, oxygen filled air flows through your throat area, down an airway called the trachea, and fills your lungs.

From there, the oxygen attaches to hemoglobin in red blood cells, which are specifically designed to carry oxygen to cells that are in need of it.

Once the oxygen is attached to the RBC (red blood cells), it pushes the carbon dioxide away(which have binded to the RBC's from the many chemical reactions that happen in our body). As soon as the oxygen knocks them off of the RBC they were once attached to, they then travel back to the lungs. At this point, you will exhale all the unwanted CO2, only to repeat the process and repeatedly get rid of carbon dioxide.
Therefore, the lungs work to keep as much carbon dioxide out of your body as they can at a time by replacing it with oxygen.

How to make a Delicious Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

PB & J's are commonly known in America. There are many different choices and varieties to choose from, which will probably turn out to be an okay sandwich snack. But this is how you make a delicious one.

First, you must know what kind of bread to use. Mrs. Baird's is the kind i typically prefer. This type of bread is very popular and usually a part of the selections on the bread isle at grocery stores. Once you have bread, lay out two slices on a plate.

Second, you must make sure you have a kind of jelly. Jelly is what makes the sandwich sweet. Jams and preservative just make the sandwich taste like fruit on a slice bread. Smuckers grape jelly is what i think tastes best, and even more convenient it comes in a squirtable bottle so you dont have to use a knife for both jelly and your peanut butter. It also comes in strawberry flavor if you prefer that over grape.

Which brings us to the next step, choosing the right peanut butter. There are many brands and types to pick from. Jiffy is always the most tastiest and has more variety as to what level of peanuts you want to be in you peanut butter. I always choose extra crunchy. You will need a butter knife to apply to your two slices of bread.

Once you have all the ingredients and utensils, squirt your jelly evenly on one slice of bread. Be careful not to use too much, cause it might leak from the sides when you are ready to eat it.

Next, grab the butter knife and dig it into the jar of peanut butter until desired amount is on your knife and evenly spread it on the other piece of bread.

Now, you can put the slices of bread ontop of each other and enjoy your deliciously fresh made snack. Sometimes a glass of milk goes along greatly with it. Make sure to put the lid back on the peanut butter, and snap the lid shut on the jelly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Parents Should NOT Spank Their Children

Everyday parents and/or gaurdians hit their children out of anger and impulse as a form of punishment. Although in many countries hitting a child under the age of eighteen is illegal, many Americans choose a form of physical punishment because many believe it is the best way to get a point across. Often many parents teach their children "not to hit" as a lesson to learn well, but why shouldn't parents practice what they preach? The problem with this is, is that many do not know the line drawn between spanking a child and child abuse. Spanking often starts when a child is young, but when that child turns into a teenager, many parents start thinkning a spanking on the butt is not going to get a point across.

What can this turn into? Many parents do not even realize the harm they are causing their children, when there are many others ways to punish. Many are just trying to do what's right by teaching a lesson, perhaps they teaching a wrong lesson by showing anger.

Anger can cause a child to grow up thinking hitting is okay, making them think it is ok to bring aggression elsewhere. Maybe this could lead to fights in school, making it harder for a child to concentrateon their education. Maybe they will see nothing wrong with physical punishment and continue to use it when they have kids of their own in the future.